Freight, Rail and Border

The California State Transportation Agency works with our departments and partner agencies at the local, regional and federal level to create a safe, integrated and efficient transportation system that brings California closer to meeting binational trade, economic and environmental objectives.

Port and Freight Infrastructure Program

The 2022-23 state budget included $1.2 billion for a one-time Port and Freight Infrastructure Program to help ease supply chain congestion and increase the capacity to move goods in California. The program seeks to improve the capacity, safety, efficiency and resilience of goods movement to, from and through California’s maritime ports, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and harmful impacts to communities adjacent to the corridors and facilities used for goods movement. 

These improvements are critical to enhancing and modernizing the multimodal freight transportation system, growing the economic competitiveness of California’s freight sector, promoting transportation equity, reducing freight-related deaths and injuries, and improving system resilience by addressing infrastructure vulnerabilities associated with security threats, climate change and natural disasters.

CalSTA Award Announcement: July 6, 2023

Port and Freight Infrastructure Program Award List (PDF)

Port and Freight Infrastructure Detailed Project Award Summary (PDF)


U.S. Congressional Support Letters 

U.S. Congressional Port and Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP) Support Letter to U.S. DOT and U.S. EPA (PDF)

U.S. Congressional Support Letter to U.S. EPA re: Clean Ports Program (PDF)


Program Resources and Guidance

Port and Freight Infrastructure Program Guidelines (PDF)

Draft Guidelines Comparison Document (PDF)

Port and Freight Infrastructure Program Call for Projects (PDF)

Common Themes and Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Summary of Applications Received (PDF)

PFIP Programming and Allocation Supplemental Guidance (PDF)

PFIP Timely Use of Funds Policy

2024 PFIP Annual Report (PDF)

Port and Freight Infrastructure Program (PFIP) Non-Proportional Spending Guidance (PDF)


Additional resources below to learn more about these subject areas.



California-Mexico Border